下半年四六級考試如約而至,小伙伴們復習得怎么樣?你是否有想過四六級翻譯最可能考什么? 今天小編整理了2021年四六級翻譯預測題型,英語四六級預測供大家參考,一起來看看吧!
Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world which can be made into all kinds of fabrics . It has high yield and low production cost . China is the world ' s largest producer of cotton . In terms of region , there are three major cotton producing regions in China : Xinjiang region , Yellow River region and Yangtze River region . According to statistics , Xinjiang ' s cotton output in 2020 accounted for about 87% of the country ' s total output . In fact , cotton is not a native crop in China . During the Qin and Han dynasties , the knowledge about cotton was introduced into China from India , and the Chinese word for cotton was also borrowed from Sanskrit .翻譯要點
1.谷物 cereal , cereal 意思是麥片粥時,不可數;1.第一大句的第三小句作為定語從句和第一小句一起翻譯,譯為 whichcan be made into all kinds of fabrics ,第二小句單獨翻譯。也可以巨小句合譯。
2.產量大, 譯為 high yield ,生產成本低,
譯為 lowl production costso
3.根據統計,譯為 according to statisticS 。
4.………約占………的87%,譯為…… accounted for about 87% of …………
5.秦漢時期,譯為 the Qin and Han
dynasties ,注意 dynasties 的首字母不大寫。
6.從印度傳入中國,可譯為被動 be introduced
into China from India 。