大家都知道考研英語是公共課必考的一門課,很多同學在考研英語上因為基礎不扎實,痛失復試資格,當然了考研界大佬何凱文每日一練是考生們在進行2019考研英語復習時,免費又實用的復習資料。今天陜西文都考研總部小編給大家整理了關于2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 70的知識點,如有需要及時加入陜西文都19考研交流群。文都考研網持續為考生們推送何凱文每日一練,歡迎考生訪問查看。本期文都考研網為大家帶來的是何凱文每日一練第七十天。
Back in 1990, Pew asked couples what made a marriage work, and fewer than half (47%) of adults said sharing household chores was very important. When couples were asked again 17 years since later, no other item on the list (which included faithfulness and happy sexual relationships) had risen in importance nearly as much, and across the demographic landscape―among men as well as women, marrieds as well as singles; old as well as young.
According to the recent survey, what makes the marriage work well?
(A) the loyalty to the marriage
(B)the harmonious communication
(C)the importance of home chores
(D) the joint efforts for housework
1.Couple 情侶或夫妻
2.Share 分擔
3.Chores 雜活
4.Faithfulness 忠誠
5.Demographic 人口的
Pew asked couples …and fewer than half of adults said…
Back in 1990時間狀語
what made a marriage work賓語從句
(that)sharing household chores was very important賓語從句
no other item on the list had risen in importance nearly as much (as sharing household chores) .
原文:Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.
選項:Captive shippers will be charged less without a rival railroad.
1.When couples were asked again 17 years since later時間狀語從句
2.and across the demographic landscape狀語
3.among men as well as women, marrieds as well as singles; old as well as young 狀語
4.(which included faithfulness and happy sexual relationships) 定語從句
According to the recent survey, what makes the marriage work well?
(A) the loyalty to the marriage
(B)the harmonious communication
(C)the importance of home chores
(D) the joint efforts for housework
And, more than anything, it means accepting that the world needs to wage war against climate change. Powerful vested interests will say there is plenty of time to act, and they are aided by climate-change deniers who say there is nothing to worry about. These people need to be called out. They are not deniers, they are climate-change appeasers. And they are just as dangerously misguided as fascism’s appeasers in the 1930s.
The fascism’s appeasers are mentioned to show_______
(A) the powerful vested interests are dangerous.
(B) the necessity of war against climate change.
(C) the difference between deniers and appeasers.
(D) the misguided cause of climate change.
上面就是給大家整理的2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 70的相關內容,如有更多疑問,請及時咨詢在線老師。