大家都知道考研英語是公共課必考的一門課,很多同學在考研英語上因為基礎不扎實,痛失復試資格,當然了考研界大佬何凱文每日一練是考生們在進行2019考研英語復習時,免費又實用的復習資料。今天陜西文都考研總部小編給大家整理了關于2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 132的知識點,如有需要及時加入陜西文都19考研交流群。文都考研網持續為考生們推送何凱文每日一練,歡迎考生訪問查看。本期文都考研網為大家帶來的是何凱文每日一練第一百三十二天。
As we all know, increasing pollution causes serious problems such as global warming and even directly threatens the quality of our lives. Fortunately, some cities have introduced the policy of traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers to curb and harness environmental problem as well as traffic jam. As much as some citizens may complain about this regulation, two things seem clear.This rule not only put the situation on hold to some extent but also has made it possible for the public to realize the necessity of environmental protection.In other words, it inspires us to cherish the beauty of our communities with concrete measures.
——整理自 何凱文
上面就是給大家整理的2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 132的相關內容,如有更多疑問,請及時咨詢在線老師。