大家都知道考研英語是公共課必考的一門課,很多同學在考研英語上因為基礎不扎實,痛失復試資格,當然了考研界大佬何凱文每日一練是考生們在進行2019考研英語復習時,免費又實用的復習資料。今天陜西文都考研總部小編給大家整理了關于2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 106的知識點,如有需要及時加入陜西文都19考研交流群。文都考研網持續為考生們推送何凱文每日一練,歡迎考生訪問查看。本期文都考研網為大家帶來的是何凱文每日一練第一百零六天。
Historians have only recently begun to study the increase in demand for luxury goods and services that took place in eighteenth-century England. McKendrick has explored the Wedgwood firm’s remarkable success in marketing luxury pottery; Plumb has written about the rapid increase of provincial theaters, musical festivals, and children’s toys and books. While the fact of this consumer revolution is hardly in doubt, three key questions remain: Who were the consumers? What were their motives? And what were the effects of the new demand for luxuries?
In the first paragraph, the author mentions McKendrick and Plumb most probably to___________
[A] compare their interest in luxury goods and in luxury services.
[B] confirm key questions about 18th-century England consumerism.
[C] contrast their views on luxury consumerism in 18th-century England.
[D] exemplify historians who have proved the growing consumerism in 18th-century England.
回文定位:找到例子,以及例子對應的結論。而例子對應的 結論才是線索句。 思路解析:論據不是關鍵主要是找到論據所對應的論點和結 論,這里的結論就是第 一句: Historians have only recently begun to note the increase in demand for luxury goods and services that took place in eighteenth-century England. 最近, 歷史學家們開始去關注在 18 世紀英國發生的, 對于奢 侈品和奢侈服務需求的上升。
[B] confirm key questions about 18th-century England consumerism.的干 擾來自最后一句, While 雖然..,后面就是轉折;
最后一句確實是一個結論,但是例子和結論一定要配對: 結論 1+例子 ,轉折 +結論 2 這個時候的例子應該是說明結論 1 的。 說明不能定位最后一句。
[A] compare their interest in luxury goods and in luxury services. 不對應結論 [C] contrast their views on luxury consumerism in 18th-century England. 不對應結論
正確答案: [D] exemplify historians who have proved the growing consumerism in 18th-century England. 例證了確實有這樣的歷史學家。
上面就是給大家整理的2019陜西文都考研英語:何凱文每日一練 day 106的相關內容,如有更多疑問,請及時咨詢在線老師。