Beijing Unveils 2008 Logo
"Young, dynamic — bringing together history andcultural heritage, as well as the future of China . "This was how Jacques Rogge, president of theInternational Olympic Committee ( IOC) 1, describedthe Beijing Olympic logo, which was unveiled in a ceremony attended by 2, 008 invited guestsat the Temple of Heaven.
The emblem, officially entitled"Chinese Seal —Dancing Beijing", has a single Chinese characteron a traditional red Chinese seal. The words "Beijing 2008 "are written with a Chinese brushbelow it. The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinesecharacter"jing"which means" capital".
"The image carries the message that today's China is not only a nation with a long and glorioushistory, but also one full of modern dynamics, "says Jin Shangyi, one of the members of theemblem selection panel."The running figure represents the spirit of Olympic ( faster, higher,stronger) by focusing2 on the dynamics of athletes, "Jin adds. It also represents the ancientChinese art of seal-cutting which dates back 3, 700 years to the Yin Dynasty. Seals have beenused by individuals as well as by official documents.
The new logo was a joint3 effort that started with a design by the Beijing Armstrong VisualIdentity Corp. The designers chose the seal to personify the Chinese character and provide anew image of Beijing that combines traditional culture with sports. The traditional Chineseelements in the design remind viewers of the logo used in bidding for the 2008 Olympics.According to vice-president of the Beijing organizing Committee for the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), it is customary to design a logo for the Olympiad rather than continue to use the bidlogo. Intellectual property rights also play a role in this.
The work of selection a new design for the 29 th Olympiad started immediately after Beijing'svictory in the bidding on July 13, 2001 . Among the 1, 985 works submitted to BOCOG, 1, 763came from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The others came from the US, Japan,Australia and elsewhere . But the decision on the dancing logo was unanimous4.
After the design was selected, experts were invited to discuss it with its creators. The finalversion was approved in February 2002. A month later, Rogge approved the design in a veryChinese way — he used his own Chinese seal.
1. What's the spirit of Olympics?
2. What's the feature of the new logo?
1. Faster, higher and stronger.
2. The new logo has a single Chinese character on atraditional red Chinese seal. The words "Beijing2008" are written below it. The figure in the logoresembles a runner or dancer and the Chinesecharacter“jing”which means"capital".
驚鴻一瞥: 北京2008奧運會會徽
“ 充滿青春與活力——— 將中國的歷史和文化遺產同中國的未來融合在一起。”這是國際奧委會主席雅克羅格在北京奧運會會徽揭幕儀式上發(fā)表的評論。揭幕儀式在天壇舉行,邀請了2008位嘉賓。
官 方將會徽命名為“ 中國印——— 舞動的北京”。它是一枚傳統(tǒng)印章, 上面刻了一個漢簡字。字的下面是中國毛筆寫成的“ Beijing 2008 ”。會徽上的“ 京”字, 像一個跑動或舞動的人; 而且中國的漢字“ 京”的意思就是“ 首都”。
作為會徽評選委員會11個成員之一的靳尚宜說:“會徽傳達了這樣一個信息: 今日的中國不僅是一個擁有悠久而輝煌歷史的國家, 還是一個富有現代活力的國家。”靳還補充說:“ 設計的焦點在運動員的動態(tài)上, 這個跑動的人形代表了‘ 更快, 更高, 更強’的奧林匹克精神。”
“ 中國印”也代表了中國古老的印章藝術, 它源于3700年前的殷朝。中國的私人和官 方文件中一直使用印章。這個新會徽源于北京始創(chuàng)國際企劃有限公司的設計, 是各方共同努力的結果。設計者選擇印章來將中國漢字人格化, 并展現了北京將傳統(tǒng)文化和體育相結合的新形象。
這 一設計中傳統(tǒng)的中國因素, 使人們想起2008奧運會的申辦標志。據第29屆奧運會北京協調委員會副主席說, 按慣例我們要為奧運會專門設計一個會徽, 而不是沿用申辦標志。這里還牽涉到知識產權的問題。
2001年7月13日北京申奧一成功, 新會徽的篩選工作就開始了。在提交給第29屆奧運會北京協調委員會的1985件作品中, 1763件作品來自大陸、香港和臺灣, 其余的來自美國、日本、澳大利亞和其他國家。但是最后一致選定了這個富有動感的標志。之后, 還邀請了專家和設計者進行了探討。2002年2月通過了最后的版本。一個月后, 羅格用一種很中國化的方式——蓋上自己的印章, 批準了這一設計。
1. 國際奧林匹克委員會。為復興奧運會, 1894 年6 月16 日,“ 國際體育運動代表大會”在巴黎索邦神學院( 巴黎大學前身) 隆重開幕。6 月23 日, 大會批準了顧拜旦制訂的第 一部《奧林匹克憲章》, 通過成立“ 國際奧林匹克委員會”的決議, 并決定由奧運會舉辦國的國際奧委會委員輪流擔任國際奧委會主席。大會選舉希臘詩人維凱拉斯為國際奧委會第 一任主席, 顧拜旦為秘書長。6 月23 日這一天, 對奧林匹克運動、對世界體育運動的發(fā)展都具有劃時代的意義。我國在1986 年將這天定為奧林匹克日。
2. focus n. 焦點, 焦距, ( 注意、活動、興趣等的) 中心, 如: She was the focus of everyone’s attention.( 她是大家注意的焦點。) 作動詞用時, 意為“使集中”, 如: focus one’s attention on a question ( 集中注意力于某一問題) 。
3. joint adj. ① 聯合的, 共同的, 同時的, 如: a joint declaration ( 聯合聲明) ; joint effort ( 共同努力) 。② 共有的, 與他人合作的, 如: joint property ( 共有財產) ; joint authors ( 合著者) 。常用詞組out of joint, 意思為“脫節(jié)的, 混亂的, 不順遂的”, 如: All things here are out of joint. ( 這里的一切都亂套了。)
4. unanimous adj. 全體一致的, 一致同意的, 無異議的, 如: be unanimous in asking for holidays( 一致要求休假) ; He was elected by a unanimous vote. ( 他以全票當選。)