2022屆研究生招生考試初試的英語科目考試已經結束,文都教育作為考研行業的領頭軍,為廣大考生提供最 新的2022考研真題及解析。針對2022考研英語這來說,作文每年都是廣大考生最為關注的焦點,今年的英語(一)大作文還是大家熟悉的圖畫作文,具體考試要求及相應解析如下:
Part B:
Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) Describe the drawing briefly,
2) Explain its intended meaning, and then
3) Give your comments.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Graphically depicted in the picture is a scene, in which there are two students standing in front of a poster of a campus lecture. The individual on the left airs his perspective that it doesn’t belong to his major and it is useless to listen to the lecture. Conversely, his counterpart holds the opposite idea that it may be useful to our study and growth. We are informed that various folks take different attitudes toward the same scene.
Undoubtedly, the author strives to convey a conspicuous message that we should be a prepared person. It is intensive learning that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Besides, not only does a prepared mind makes us be full of energy to face the coming challenges and competitions but also offers us the foundation for the coming success. According to a latest survey conducted by an international organizations, approximately 76.5% of the respondents hold the view that they are willing to learn extensively and to be a prepared person because a theory that opportunities don’t come to those who aren’t prepared.
Weighing up the above several aspects, I suppose that not until we realize the significance of being a prepared person and learning extensively and put this attitude into practice, can we foster it gradually and make a better progress. ②Therefore, the mass media, such as television and the Internet, should make every effort to propagate and advocate the positive mentality. ③In addition, as for our college students, we ought to do our part to learn any useful knowledge in our spare time. ④ Only in this way can we embrace a prospective future.
1) 簡要描述圖畫,
2) 解釋它的意義,然后
3) 給出你的評論。
圖畫清晰地描述了一個場景,在這個場景中,兩個學生站在一張校園講座的海報前面,左邊的學生說:“不是我們專業的,聽了也沒用。”;相反,另一個學生說:“聽了或許也有用。” 不同的人對待同一場景可能會有不同的態度。
毫無疑問,作者向我們傳達了一個明顯的信息:我們應該做一個有準備的人。盡管有困難的沮喪,但是正是廣泛學習使我們不斷地做一些有價值和令人欽佩的事情。此外,一個有準備的頭腦不僅使我們充滿活力以面對未來的挑戰和競爭,也為我們未來的成功奠定了基礎。根據國際機構做的最 新的一項調查,76.5% 的受訪者持有的觀點是:由于機會總是留給那些有準備的人,所以他們愿意廣泛學習,做一個有準備的人。
考慮到這個現象的方方面面,我認為直到我們意識到廣泛學習做一個有準備的人的重要性并且付諸實踐,我們才能逐漸地培養這種態度并且取得進步。因此,大眾媒體,比如電視和網絡,應該盡全力去宣傳這種積極的心態。此外,作為我們大學生而言,我們應該盡自己的最 大努力在空余時間學習有用的知識。只有這樣,我們才會擁抱一個更加美好的明天。